Wednesday 11 June 2014

12 Alternative Uses For Coca-Cola

1. Clean Your Toilet With Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola--alternative-usesAfter an hour of pouring the liquid into the toilet bowl, take the scrub and brush a little. Flushing will result in a sparkling toilet and a can of Cola put to good use..

2. Remove Tough, Greasy Stains From Clothing With Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola-alternative-uses-1It’s already quite popular that stains can be easily removed with a little help of the carbon and phosphor acid of the carbonated soft drink. Pour it into the washing machine and watch `the magic` happen.

3. Remove gum stuck in your hair

Coca-Cola-alternative-uses-3A situation most likely to happen early or later is getting gum stuck in your hair. This is where Cola comes in handy once more. Wash a little on the affected part of your hair and it will make the process of getting it out a lot easier. No scissors required!

4. Rust Removal

Coca-Cola-alternative-uses-4Some even compare this drink to some sort of a super-hero, because it can even fight rust away off metal tools. And with not much effort in the process. Learn exactly how to do this–> here

5. Farming Pesticide

Definitely cheaper than any other industrial pesticides, it is commonly found (especially in India) that the fizzy drink acts efficiently against pests. So farmers are using it on their fields. Pretty smart actually!

6. Coke Bug Deflector

Those pesky bugs are giving you a hard time during your picnic? Make any experience outdoor more bug-free by pouring a Coke in a plastic cup, strategically positioned at a distance from you and notice how the bugs will be busy from now on with the drink.

7. Put off Skunk Odor

Worried about getting rid of that skunk odor? While taking a shower, pour some extra Coca-Cola on the area which you got sprayed on and scrub real good afterward. Another thanks to the benefits of Coke.

8. Garden Fertilizer

It is said that pouring a can of the soft drink into the compost bin once a week will ensure that microorganisms can flourish. Other uses for Coke in the garden were proven effective, why shouldn’t this one be the same?

9. A Fun Fountain

If there aren’t any fun things to do around, how about turning a 2L diet Coke bottle into a nice fountain. You achieve this impressive result by inserting Mentos inside and waiting for the chemistry to work. Take a step back and watch the show!

10. Coin Shiner

Even if Coca-Cola can easily put a shine on your coins, it’s still be among the top preferences in soft drinks worldwide. That’s something to intrigue you!

11. Rusty Bolt Removal

Even if it seems unbelievable Coca Cola is rust buster. Soak your rusted object in the coke and keep it in the same situation a couple hours. You will easily remove rust.

12. Clean a Ring with Coke

If all the examples shown here seem like child’s play, how about cleaning putrefied battery with it? Just pour a bit of Coca-Cola on the car’s corroded battery and you can continue your road.

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